Monday 30 March 2015

Merch, Posters, T shirts

For this another project of design for print we had to design poster, t shirt and merchandise that would support our chosen artist. For project was all about you getting your hands dirty and getting involved with the packaging and stuff whereas this time its more digital based.

So for the posters I started looking at few of the artists that I like. The above one is of Daft Punk whose music I really like. The poster is done mainly in illustrator with the vector art. Its really simple and the colour are used in the helmet which are the most focused part of who they are. The whole theme of typography totally matches the artist themselves. Its futuristic, retro, cool and robotic.

This one is of The black keys. The poster is really eye catching because of the usage of the strong colour. The reddish colour really stands out as it is covering more space. For me its too much. I feel like everything is working perfectly but for me personally, its overdone. 

For the t-shirt design I basically didn't look into anything because I feel like its just design thats going to be involved into it.  I wanted it to have same type of feel as the cover did. So I took a little section from it and edited its colour. After that I organised it the way I wanted it and laid it out as like the gradient effect of going from dark into light.  For another design I used the album name and did something appealing and creative to it. I used the front letter of the both word and made it larger making it look like it was coming off the one letter but its acting like theres two words due to the two layered effect. 


For merchandise I didn't try to make a lot of it because it wouldn't make sense to overdo it whilst my packaging was  really simple. So I only chose to do the wrist band because its one of those object people wear often. I feel like its more effective than any other merchandises as it is cheap and pretty cool to wear. In the wrist band I included the obviously the name of the artist and the album name but I wanted to add song names and producers too so while a fan is listening to the song they can look at it and read the name of the songs from it. 

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